Mesh & Cloth: Sharing the Unique Beauty of Ceramics to the World
"I believe in leaving the world better than I found it." Elisabetta, founder of Mesh & Cloth
By noissue — 17 March, 2021

Many people struggle with what they want to do in their life. Constant thoughts of 'am I happy?' And 'what are my options?' would repeatedly play in one's mind. Whether it's a personal or a professional struggle, we often find these questions floating within us.
For Elisabetta, an artist based in Berlin, Germany, she realized she could be many different things! But being one who's tried jobs in dissimilar industries, there was one constant thing in her life: Art.
With Art being close to her heart, she founded Mesh and Cloth, and from there decided to bring beauty into the world, in a way that is unique to her, through ceramics and botanical prints:
"My name is Elisabetta Lombardo. I originally started Mesh & Cloth as a creative outlet from my job in technology. I have always felt like an artist at heart. I worked as a photographer for a while and I am drawn to the tactile nature of materials.
With Mesh & Cloth, I want to bring beauty into the world, in a way that is uniquely me, through ceramics and botanical prints. I am currently working on my first ceramic collection for the kitchen, which is inspired by family recipes and gatherings with friends."

Doing things alone can be difficult. It's important to surround yourself with people that can encourage you. Elisabetta is thankful for her mentors who helped her navigate through her journey.
"One of the biggest challenges for me has been gaining confidence in using my voice, letting people into my life, and showing them why I do what I do. It has taken years to find my voice, and I am very thankful to my mentors along the way."
Her mentors guided her through her learning processed and they were vital in her brand's growth. If you're someone who wants to start you own business, here's her advice:
"Be patient! It will take time to figure out the right marketing strategy, the right message, the right voice. It is not an overnight process, but persevering will pay off!"
Elisabetta works with photography, paper, fibres and ceramics to make beautiful things that invite you to dream. She pulls inspiration from the art that surrounds her.
"I am inspired by photographs I take, poems, music, stories, themes in my life, and interesting patterns in nature."

Quick Q&A!
What makes your product different from others in the market?
"The combination of imagery, ceramics and words."
What’s your favorite item in your collection and why?
"It has to be the clay kit, because it came out of my desire to help as many people as possible get creative at home in this difficult time we’re in. Clay has been a life-saver for me. It has helped me through depression and I wanted to bring that to others."
What’s your best customer story?
"My favourite story is from a customer who had painstakingly taken screenshots of my wrapping paper designs months before ordering them. She was truly moved by them and had been thinking about how to use them for her gift-giving."
Who do you think is doing great creative work at the moment?
"So many people are inspiring to me! I am admiring @lulapottery, @sparrowandco and @hername_ismud"

Elisabetta makes and packages all of her products by hand in her studio in Berlin. She creates and works with our planet in mind and believes that we should all take care of it.
"Sustainability is a big part of my business. When it comes to my paper products, while I have a few printed wrapping paper designs, the majority of my botanical paper comes in printable format, to reduce waste for both me and my customers. I believe in leaving the world better than I found it.
With Mesh & Cloth, I source materials from local suppliers as much as I possibly can, I reuse packaging material, and when I need to use new, I source recyclable materials. Part of this has been shifting to use noissue tissue paper to wrap my products, and recently I have also ordered your biodegradable mailers, so that I can shift to using those when I need an extra layer."

Custom packaging makes an unboxing experience better as it is tailored specifically for you. It fits the products perfectly and gives the customer a feel of your brand. That's why Elisabetta knew that it was the way to go.
"Custom packaging really brings the experience together for my customers and communicates who I am. I had my eye on noissue for a long time and when the right time came, I was really happy to order."

"I choose noissue because I love that it is sustainable and that it places small businesses front and center in its marketing. It felt like it was speaking to me. The design process was incredibly easy!"
Mesh & Cloth fun fact:
"If my brand were a room, you would find:
- Old black and white photographs
- Candles
- Jazz records
- A box with polaroids of a trip by the beach in the North Sea
- Items collected on the beach and a book about the Isle of Skye"
Find more of Mesh & Cloth here:
Instagram: @meshandcloth
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