Misc. Goods Co. x noissue
A chat with Misc. Goods Co., a Louisville-based lifestyle store, about the deck of cards that started it all and their use of noissue to secure quality products with quality packaging.
By noissue — 16 October, 2023
What started with only a deck of cards is now a well-known lifestyle store in Louisville, Kentucky. Misc. Goods Co. was founded in 2013 on the premise of creating quality-made, practical, everyday things and miscellaneous goods that do not compromise on good design. From their signature deck of cards followed a selection of products such as hard cases, wallets, ceramic flasks, fragrances, and more.

Each design is meticulously crafted with attention to detail and practicality, making them timeless keepsakes that will last for years to come. From design conception to production, every step of the process is guaranteed to consist only of high-quality materials and ingredients realized by their partners and talented craftsmen into products that reflect what Misc. Goods Co. stands for.

We chatted with Misc. Goods Co. founder and designer, Tyler Deeb, about the campaign that started it all, the years-long journey of crafting one iconic product after another, and how noissue fit into their vision of reflecting the brand’s commitment to sustainability into their packaging. Read more here!
Tell us a bit about your brand, introduce it to the world!

Misc. Goods Co. builds products with practical purpose — keepsakes which are set apart. Manufactured in America, our goods are timeless in form and use, both for home and abroad.

My company was born out of a difficult time. I wasn’t planning or even dreaming of running a product company. Misc. Goods wasn't sparked from a conversation among friends. It emerged from a dry-spell as a free-lance designer and took shape as I allowed my work to bend and shift; changing as opportunity came and working hard when it did.

This opportunity for me came in the form of a monstrously successful Kickstarter campaign for a re-designed deck of playing cards. It changed my life and handed me a new set of responsibilities – to create useful, good products – to serve our customers and to remain ethical in all manufacturing. To push forward – ever-content, but never comfortable, to make Misc. Goods Co. a business I can be proud of.

Tell us about the design for your packaging and how you’re using them?

The icons are a collection of illustrations from the brand over the years collaged together. We use the packaging for packing orders for both our direct and wholesale customers.

What made noissue a good fit for your packaging?

It really came down to the material. We know our customers are receiving a great product from us and we wanted that same level of attention and detail to show up in our packing.