Shipping Wine: All You Need to Know
When it comes to shipping wine, it's a whole different beast from the wine's production. Ensure your wine gets to your customers with no breakages thanks to our handy guide.
By noissue — 25 November, 2022
custom noissue compostable tissue paper by @framinghamwines
As echoes of the global pandemic still ripple across industries, eCommerce and online shopping have taken off like never before. In fact, if you are a wine business, statistics suggest there is no better time to sell wine online. According to the Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Report, eCommerce wine stores sold $3 billion worth of wine in 2021 alone.
So, whether you are a physical wine business, an online marketplace, or an eCommerce website, figuring out shipping processes is a must. Shipping wine is a delicate process that requires a lot of meticulous planning and effort. Besides that, wine sellers need to adhere to the state regulations for selling alcohol, double-check their paperwork, and have a valid license. That's a lot to think about!
Unlike other items like clothes or electronics, wine shipping also has to account for wine storage and serving temperature. We all know that wine bottles are very fragile and temperature-sensitive, which is why they must be handled with care to prevent any damage. You want to preserve the taste and flavor of the wine so that customers can enjoy what they ordered.
If you want to deliver your wine in the best possible condition to your customers' doorsteps, specialty boxes, wine carriers, and totes are a fantastic way to do it. To ensure you choose the right type of carrier for your wine, read on to discover our breakdown.
Measure Your Box

The first thing on the list is to identify the right size for your wine carrier. Finding the right kind of box for shipping your wine is an absolute necessity, as it must keep the bottles snug to prevent them from jostling on the journey. So, step one is to measure and note down the size of your bottles.
Once you have done that, you might see that you need boxes of several different sizes. This might cascade into an updated packaging and picking process, fresh packaging materials, and so on. You can opt for a standard shipping box with additional packaging, or use a two-to-three bottle wine carrier designed to keep your bottles upright and protected while shipping.
Taking a further step and customizing your wine carriers can personalize the unboxing experience, helping strengthen your brand's reputation. They're the perfect intersection of style and function, taking your customer's experience with your brand to the next level.
Opt for Sturdy Inner Partitions
When you are shipping more than one bottle of wine, sturdy inner partitions are a must. These separate the bottles and prevent them from clinking together, which helps to prevent breakage en-route.
These partitions can be made of different materials, each with their unique benefits. For instance, molded fiber dividers are lightweight and help to reduce weighted shipping costs. There are also foam dividers that make stacking your wine bottles easier, all while filling any extra space. Choosing the right kind of partition will depend on how many bottles you are shipping, and what the shipping process looks like.
Remember that there is no right or wrong way; the best way is what works for you. Make sure that the material you use prevents the different wine bottles from striking each other. Besides that, your wine carrier or tote should be an appropriate shape and size to support different partitions (depending on what you need).
Keep Bubble Wrap Optional

This might sound counterintuitive, but keep bubble wrapping optional while packaging wine. Despite the fact that bubble wrap is used for shipping other delicate materials like ceramic pots and art pieces, you may not want to use bubble wrap when shipping wine. Let's break down some of the drawbacks.
First, it takes up a lot of space. It's quite well-known that bubble wraps take up a lot of space, especially when wrapped around other items. Bulkier units leads to less space in your wine tote bag, so you can't ship as many bottles together.
Secondly, bubble wrap is not the ideal cushioning material for wine shipping. Wine bottles can easily slip out of bubble wrap due to their cylindrical shape. That's why firm and sturdy partitions made of foam or molded fiber work better for wine shipping, as they keep the bottles upright and steady.
Thirdly, bubble wrap is typically not a sustainable solution. While cardboard wine carriers or wine tote bags are circular - meaning they are recyclable or reusable - bubble wrap will most likely end up in the trash. This material takes between 10 and 10,000 years to decompose! So, if you're aiming for a more sustainable option, cardboard dividers are the way to go.
However, if you are planning to use bubble wrap, wrap the bottles and place them lengthwise in your box to ensure maximum safety and stability.
Test Your Box Thoroughly
Now comes the best part: testing your choices. Once you have secured the box or carrier, pick it up, tilt it from side to side, and check if the bottles are shifting as you do. If they move, you'll need to make some changes to ensure they're as snug as possible.
Even if there is just a slight movement, a bumpy journey will lead to jostling and possible breakage of those wine bottles. Although drivers mostly take a well-planned route, they still have to move the boxes in and out of the trucks quickly. Therefore, you should ensure that your packaging is robust enough to handle a few shocks on the way.
If the bottles are moving, take the time to go back and adjust your packaging choices. While it's a little more time at the outset, the return on your investment is well worth the extra effort. Try changing the dividers you use, adding additional cushioning material, or - if you're using a box - test out a wine carrier to see if it's right for you. Even something as simple as adding a layer of tissue paper can help reduce the possibility of breakage.
Wrapping it up!
You put a lot of time, energy, and care into creating amazing wine for your customers. That's why choosing the right package to keep it safe on its journey is essential! Ensure your product is delivered to your customers safe and sound and provide them with the ultimate customer experience.
Here at noissue, we specialize in sustainable packaging and secure shipping. Our 2 and 3 Bottle Wine Carrier ships your wine in style without compromising on safety. All the materials used are recyclable, and you can customize the tote's appearance so your customers are engaging with your brand from the moment they open the package.