Who Can Wrap an Egg, a Plant and Other Ridiculous Gifts The Fastest? | noissue Wrap Battles
Wrap Battles is a new series where the noissue team tries to out-wrap each other in a battle of ridiculous objects. Round one features Ben versus our head of partnerships Cathy Strini.
By noissue — 08 December, 2021
It’s the ultimate Wrap against time, featuring noissue custom packaging! Watch as our team goes head to head in a winner takes all Wrap Battle, armed only with noissue tissue paper and stickers.
Disclaimer: We don't recommend this video for gift wrapping tips and tricks. If you want to fail at gift wrapping for the holidays, this probably is the video for you.
Need some gift wrapping for your business?
Shop noissue custom tissue paper
Shop noissue custom stickers.
Want to see more Wrap Battles as they come out? Check out our YouTube channel!